About Me
I was born in Kenya, moved to the US at twenty years of age. In my discussions with fellow Africans living in the diaspora, I’ve rarely met those that are pursuing FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early).
My goal of FIRE is to earn enough passive income to become financially independent (FI) and not have to rely on my employer. To be able to retire early (RE) if I so wished.
Afrikan FIRE is a platform to track my progress and share insights I’ve learned in my journey toward financial independence. It documents my journey in four key areas i.e. Investment in the stock market & real estate, establishment of an online business, health & wellbeing.
FIRE Ignited
Two years after graduating from college, I made the decision to accelerate paying off my six figure student loans. I was on the 10 year standard plan and the thought of being in debt for this long, brought many sleepless nights. I increased my payments by working part-time on my days off and living very frugally. Finally, in 2016, five years after my graduation. I got rid of ‘Ms. Sallie Mae/Navient’ and was finally debt free!
The same year I paid off my loans, I got into a car accident. Thank goodness, neither party was hurt. It then dawned on me that life was too short. At about this time, I had come across the FIRE movement. I then made the decision not only to remain debt free but to set out on a journey to financial independence (FI).
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